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    BlueStacks Offline Installer

    BlueStacks 2 | 294 MB

    The BlueStacks 2 version lets you multitask to your heart's delight - Chat in one tab, Play in another tab, Stream videos in a third tab, Play Multiple Games... the possibilities are endless!

    Please Note: This is only applicable on BlueStacks 2 fresh installs. However, if you have upgraded to BlueStacks 2 from earlier BlueStacks versions, you won't be able to get increased storage space. You may need to proceed with a fresh install, post uninstalling existing BlueStacks completely (without data preserve).

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    Item Reviewed: BlueStacks Offline Installer Description: BlueStacks 2 | 294 MB The BlueStacks 2 version lets you multitask to your heart's delight - Chat in one tab, Play in another tab, Stream videos in a third tab, Play Multiple Games... the possibilities are endless! Please Note: This is only applicable on BlueStacks 2 fresh installs. However, if you have upgraded to BlueStacks 2 from earlier BlueStacks versions, you won't be able to get increased storage space. You may need to proceed with a fresh install, post uninstalling existing BlueStacks completely (without data preserve). Rating: 5 Reviewed By: Unknown