H.U.D. 2.0
Here is the complete theme you have been asking for.
H.U.D. 2.0 Rainmeter Skin
Rocketdock Skin
6 Desktop Icons
25 Rocketdock Icons
Screenshot of what mine looks like after installed
Install notes:
to use rainmeter and rocketdock you need to download and install the basic programs [I use rainmeter 2.5 latest build and optimize my skins for win7 and up]
double click>install done ^_^
Rocketdock :
programs folder>rocketdock>skins> copy paste the folder inside>exit>right click on rocket dock> rocketdock settings>style>choose dock and save
for each Rocketdock icon right click the desired location and go into icon settings>browse for location>choose>apply>done
Desktop icons:
right click on desired icon to change>properties>customize>change icon>browse for root folder>apply>save>done
right click>preview>right click again>add as desktop background>done
For best look set task bar to solid or semi clear black and set it to fade. Add all needed stuff in Rocketdock and forget about taskba